

Sounding for all the world like they've come straight from the early Seventies, Jack White and his new band, known as the Raconteurs, push the uber-retro sound in directions both new and old. The Raconteurs play both pre- and post-psychedelic songs of lost innocence, lost love and frustration that would feel right at home alongside White Rabbit and Three Dog Night on the soundtrack to 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas', or perhaps some early, obscure David Lynch film.

Two of the better tracks on the disc, 'Steady as She Goes' and 'Call it a Day', fairly drip of weary paranoia, and the ongoing search for love and a place to escape from the past. This stuff clearly isn't for everyone, but if you're a fan of either The White Stripes or of Brendon Benson, I highly recommend picking it up.


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Pink Floyd is the article of the day on Wikepedia for May 9, 2006.